Articles tagged with: Game Dev

Self-Modifying code and avoiding conditionals

Summary: About the use of self-modifying code in the 1980s, and how it was used to overcome memory and CPU restrictions. It also explores modern alternatives to avoid conditionals.

Book Review: Game Engine Black Book: DOOM

Summary: A review of the book 'Game Engine Black Book: DOOM', by Fabien Sanglard.

My Building Autonomous Agents With gym-retro talk

Summary: My talk on building autonomous agents with gym-retro, presented at the 10th edition of The MindCamp event, including the source code and demos.

Mutan Zone sprite exporter WIP

Summary: Attempts to reverse engineer and extract graphics (sprites) from the an old MS-DOS game.

Opera Soft's PIC to PNG exporter

Summary: Extracting graphics (full images) from an old MS-DOS game, Mutan Zone, by converting .PIC files into PNG format.