Multi-Language Wordle clone fork

I don't touch much React code at work, but I feel I should have a minimal proficiency. While I've read some articles and watched a course about it, in the end nothing beats practice by trying.

In the near future, I plan to do a small personal project built from scratch, although I might go with Preact instead of React.But more recently, a colleague built a Swedish Wordle clone, appropriately called Swordle, and I decided to practice a bit by forking it and making it multi-language.

I won't dig into the details of the changes I implemented, they're really not much.

What I'll show is a small screenshot of how it looks with different languages:

Swordle fork screenshot

I added Spanish, British English and American English, switchable via the header flags. The game state and guesses are also now separated by language so you can actually play one word per language per day, although both English word dictionaries are very very similar.

If you're interested, my fork lives at

Tags: Development Javascript Videogames

Multi-Language Wordle clone fork article, written by Kartones. Published @