Amazing (and weird) game engines plus POVRay

Looks like people is going mad lately, and if you don't think so, check this three examples and think again ;)

Voxelstein 3D

Our all-time classic FPS, having lots of excellent engine remakes, gets an interesting twist with voxel technology.

Although still an alpha, looks great (that is, if you don't expect Crysis-like graphics) and adds a new element to the game: destructible environments.


What about having a 3D engine made in flash? A impressive one, if you consider it is just software rendering (no 3D acceleration).

POVRay Short Code Contest #5

If you knew POVRay (a Raytracing renderer which uses an object-based scene definition language), what could you do in a 512 scene definition file?

Well, you can check the results (as Quicktime videos) and download the source files. Really impressive!!

Tags: Game Dev Videogames

Amazing (and weird) game engines plus POVRay article, written by Kartones. Published on