Statistics of Kartones.Net for the year 2008

The last post of the year is going to be related to statistics, now of the whole blogging community and not only my blog, since the 1st of january up to today at midday.

This are the results:

169,487 visits: Users, either returning or new.

247,524 pageviews: Each user has seen an average of 1.46 pages per visit (room for improvement here).

86.10% are new visits: Cool, means varied people comes from everywhere, we're good indexed at search engines, etcetera.

71.64% visits from search engines: Good too, means we appear in search engine results ;)

A lot of visits from Spanish-speaking countrys (only two of the 19 blogs are in english).

Internet Explorer is increasing presence as we can see.

12% of visits from Linux computers is surprising, and probably thanks to the fantastic work of Mi Ubuntu y yo.

Google keeps being the absolute number one source of search sources.

Top 10 pages (excluding general portal ones) confirm that Mi Ubuntu y yo and Haztelo Tu are the two blogs with best quality (and useful) posts.

Now all that remains to wish you all a happy new year!

Tags: Kartones.Net

Statistics of Kartones.Net for the year 2008 article, written by Kartones. Published @