Articles tagged with: Kartones.Net

This blog just passed its 20th birthday! 🎂

Summary: A post celebrating this blog's 20th birthday.

Setting up my IndieWeb information

Summary: My support for the open, accessible, and interlinked world wide web, and my discovery and implementation of IndieWeb principles on this blog.

This isn't worth a post

Summary: A small struggle about deciding what is worth posting online, balancing between sharing useful information and not wanting to add to the noise.

15 Years Blogging

Summary: Today marks the 15th anniversary of the author's blog. Mostly a reflection on the different platforms used over the years, and the challenges of migrating their content.

Migrating from BlogEngine.NET to Pelican

Summary: The process of migrating from BlogEngine.NET to Pelican due to a desire for a simpler, static site generator.