Migrating Kartones.Net to Community Server 2007

I've got some post ideas (and some stuff) waiting for free time to write them, but right now I'm doing some migration tests with a local copy of Kartones.Net to assure that the migration to CS2007 will be painless and without problems.

Everything works perfectly apart from the themes (the new theming system means we'll have to re-skin or blogs, but now themes can be easily modified, exported and imported) and the MetaWeblogAPI extensions (but maybe now Windows Live Writer is fully supported, I've got to read more about it.

On the plus side, code highlight/coloring will be "out of the box" from the moment we migrate to CS2007, posting YouTube and Soapbox videos available too, and I've actually modified the internal settings to allow accesing blogs without the /default.aspx requisite in the URL.

Also, as I've purchased a Personal license, no more file upload limits (I will be able at last to finish migrating La Web De ProgramaciĆ³n to here!), no blog number limits...

Also, as Google Analytics has upgraded it's interface, the monthly reports I send to all the community bloggers will have new format but will be more easy to extract information of.
For the rest, if you feel curious, I deliver a PDF monthly report each 28th with hosting data (bandwith consumed and such), CS data (number of blogs, posts and comments), Feedburner data (average readers and peak readers) and Google Analytics data (visitors, page hits, most searched keywords, visit sources...).

I hope to have everything ready for this sunday (maybe even tomorrow, but not sure). And after that, I can get into developing custom CS modules to make the community even better :)


I love when things go smoothly. Everything is working and actually, theming "problems" are fewer than expected (now everything is a lot more organized), so everything's fine :)

Tags: Kartones.Net Systems-IT

Migrating Kartones.Net to Community Server 2007 article, written by Kartones. Published on