Course Review: Clean Architecture: Patterns, Practices, and Principles (Pluralsight)

Clean Architecture: Patterns, Practices, and Principles indeed talks about patterns, practices and principles of the aforementioned architecture paradigm, and hints at how to build maintainable and testeable software. The problem is that with a 2.5 hours course, half of which is a code example walkthrough, is impossible to go below the surface of most of the topics.

The example is a C# ASP.NET MVC 5 clean architecture application, is really easy to follow and is nicely explained. I liked this approach of half-slides, half-code for a change from other courses. Serves well to see specific implementations and not just theory. The author also mentions quite a few design patterns, some very briefly, others detailed. I liked the "screaming architecture" practice: organization of each layer of your system screams the intent of the application.

Topics are many but far from deep, so you should take that into account. Not saying it is bad, just warning that a 15 minutes lecture on microservices won't make you an expert building them ;)

Sample slide:

Microservices Architecture course example slide

Tags: Architecture ASP.NET Books C# Development Patterns & Practices Reviews

Course Review: Clean Architecture: Patterns, Practices, and Principles (Pluralsight) article, written by Kartones. Published on