Articles tagged with: Patterns & Practices

Book Review: The Creative Programmer

Summary: A review of the book 'The Creative Programmer', by Wouter Groeneveld

Word prediction using a trie data structure

Summary: Explores word prediction/autocomplete using a trie data structure. Includes a demo and the source code of the trie implementation.

Python Imports 101

Summary: Explains Python import basics, relative vs. absolute imports, import resolution, and provides examples to clarify common import scenarios.

Two Testing Anti-Patterns

Summary: Discusses the anti-patterns of testing private methods and mocking class under test methods. It emphasizes the importance of focusing on behaviour, refactoring when necessary, and testing in line with production conditions.

Classes in Javascript - 2023 edition

Summary: A summary of classes in JavaScript as of 2023, with examples including constructors, inheritance, getters, setters, static properties, private methods, and instantiation.