Does the term adultescent even make sense (regarding videogames)?

My grandfather spent a lot of hours every week playing cards while drinking beers at the bar downstairs of his home. Every time we went to visit my grandparents we would get him first.

My father spent hours every weekly watching movies and TV series from the sofa. I knew how to do the vulcan salute before knowing how to tie my shoelaces because he was always watching some Star Trek episode, and nobody could beat me at a movie names hangman (until early 2000s) because he was a film critic so we watched lots of movies together.

At the time of writing this post I'm 34 and I do still play videogames whenever I have time, usually some late nights or at weekends.

Did my grandfather was less adult for playing cards? No, because it was considered ok in the society.

Did my father was "still an adolescent" because of keeping watching TV & films past his mid-20s? Neither.

So why it feels strange to be an adult and "still play videogames"? What I think is that they are a relatively young and new entertainment compared with other forms of entertainment. If videogames were a century old instead of having appeared at the 70s, they would be so deeply integrated in our daily lives and culture they wouldn't be seen as for adolescents.

After all, I now see a lot of "adults" playing games on their phones every day, so why playing a videogame instead of for example watching a movie is different?

I focused on just videogames regarding "adultescents" because at other topics I do think is an appropiate term (or at least I'm not in a position to judge it). I just dislike how it's applied here.

Random rant because of this spanish article.

Tags: Offtopic Videogames

Does the term adultescent even make sense (regarding videogames)? article, written by Kartones. Published on