Articles tagged with: Troubleshooting

ExitWindowsEx not working with Windows XP if computer is locked

Summary: A problem with ExitWindowsEx on Windows XP when computer is locked, resolved by installing a hotfix from Microsoft.

WinSxS under Windows XP?

Summary: A rant about the lack of WinSxS tracing tool in Windows XP.

Vista & Windows Side by Side Assemblies

Summary: A detailed explanation of Windows Side by Side Assemblies, how they evolved in Windows Vista, and the challenges faced with accessing and modifying the WinSxS folder.

Flash Player under Windows Vista and IE7 not working

Summary: A troubleshooting guide for fixing Flash Player issues on Internet Explorer 7 under Windows Vista.

Auto-attach to process aspnet_wp.exe on machine xxxxxxx failed. Error code 0x8013134b.

Summary: Solution to a common ASP.NET 1.1 and IIS error.