Articles tagged with: Assembler

Self-Modifying code and avoiding conditionals

Summary: About the use of self-modifying code in the 1980s, and how it was used to overcome memory and CPU restrictions. It also explores modern alternatives to avoid conditionals.

Book Review: Game Engine Black Book: DOOM

Summary: A review of the book 'Game Engine Black Book: DOOM', by Fabien Sanglard.

Book Review: Code - The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software

Summary: A review of the book 'Code - The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software', by Charles Petzold.

A few articles and tools about ZX Spectrum programming

Summary: A basic introduction to ZX Spectrum programming, providing a list of articles and tools for learning and improving development techniques.

Freakend 2015 and my Gameboy Powerpoint-like ROM

Summary: Summary of the 2015 Freakend event, where I presented a project called GBSlides, a Gameboy Powerpoint-like ROM.