Sharing buttons without Javascript

One thing I'm maniac about is trying to have as less external javascripts as possible in my websites.

Because of this, the typical share buttons get me mad, as they usually have an associated javascript file, which does from not-so-async-rendering, to rendering an iframe, to even nasty cookie tracking (e.g. Facebook's Like).

Recently I finally found how to share in Google+ (specifically, doing a +1) without needing any javascript. I already had the other typical sharing button urls, so here is the small list of url-based sharing:

  • Twitter:
  • Google+ +1:
  • Google+:
  • Facebook:
  • LinkedIn:

Remember to always URL-encode the URL and text parameters.

I know there are more but in general when I see a dozen buttons I ignore all of them so I'm leaving the minimum I want to have.

UPDATE: Removed Tuenti (as the social network is dead) and added LinkedIn and Google+ URL sharings.

Tags: Development Social Tools

Sharing buttons without Javascript article, written by Kartones. Published on