Among other technologies, I'm getting up to speed with the latest and greatest of React. Although nowadays most official webpages have incredible tutorials (e.g. Typescript, React or Jest), I both consume a decent amount of audio content and like to have multiple sources of information, so I asked some friends, did some searches and checked some recommendations. As happens a lot lately, sometimes it's hard to distinguish commercial interest or pure feature bloating from real requirements for building Javascript apps, and it happens even more so with React. I'm sometimes overflowing with do many theoretical frameworks and libraries and tools and "extensions" and whatnot, all of them according to some sources you should learn and use. But I need to allocate time for other stuff, so is not always easy to identify and select what you feel will provide you with most value for the time invested (and sometimes money, but that's irrelevant if the content is good).
That said, my tiny list of 3rd party resources that I currently read/listen/watch and would recommend related with React (and I could also say "Javascript") is:
- Wes Bos: Not only I think his courses are really well done, but also some of them even free! His blog is not updated often, though.
- Tania Rascia: I found Tania's excellent React-related posts while searching for good tutorials apart from the official one, and I decided to subscribe via RSS.
- Syntax: From Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski, on an always fun tone but touching all kinds of Javascript topics, some beginner level (which I'm glad for right now), others more advanced.
- Javascript Jabber: A friend suggestion and recent addition, I like that the panel of podcasters is varied (plus one or more guests) so there are usually different points of view, plus the topics are in general also varied and interesting.
- JS Party: I already am a long-time listener from their sister-podcast The Changelog, so glad to see the same quality of episodes and variety of topics and interviewees.
I follow a few more blogs and podcasts, but haven't yet made my mind about if they are great so as to keep following or just good, but I'd appreciate suggestions of any other resources to learn React and modern Javascript you think are good. So if you have any, please write them to me!
Tags: Development