Kartones.Net: Added Twitter posting for the bloggers

Until today, this blogging community had a "twitter news channel", also used in the home page for displaying the latest 10 news (usually the latest 10 posts, but some additional info is posted whenever needed).

But it is becoming a common practice for all Twitter users who have a blog to install some third party addon for their blog engine (Wordpress, BlogEngine.NET, etcetera) in order to notify their followers of their new blog posts.

As Community Server doesn't supports this but I had half of the work done (posting to twitter every new post), all that was left was extending the users' profile data (at Kartones.Net only bloggers have user accounts) to optionally adding their twitter account data, and tweeting whenever they (and not anybody else) published a new post.

I will probably write a post on how to extend Community Server 2007 users profile data (is not too hard once you know where to edit, but by no means easy without any guidance), so I just invite our community bloggers to add their Twitter info if they want to share their new posts with their followers.

You simply have to edit your profile data and you will see a new Tab:

Oh, and a final note: It tweets all posts from a user, so if the user has multiple blogs, all of them will be posted :D

Tags: Kartones.Net Social Networks

Kartones.Net: Added Twitter posting for the bloggers article, written by Kartones. Published on