Course Review: Building Java Microservices with gRPC (LinkedIn Learning)

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A 2.5 hours course to learn the basics of gRPC and protocol buffers in Java. I wanted to learn some basics of the steps involved (.proto files compilation, the concept of language plugins, etc.) and in that it delivers quite good. Examples are in clean Java code, with DAOs, logging, and manual tests (also showcasing an interesting tool).

I also liked the history of HTTP 1.0, 1.1 and 2, and why gRPC came to fruition. If I had to say something that could be improved, is that there's some repeated content; two services get built, and the second one is very similar, not really adding anything else than "more than one service", so could have been skipped and instead showcase something else.

Overall, interesting and accessible, just requiring basic Java knowledge.

Tags: Courses Development GRPC Java Reviews

Course Review: Building Java Microservices with gRPC (LinkedIn Learning) article, written by Kartones. Published @