Community Server 2007: KartonesNet CS2007 Addon Pack 1.0

I've merged my previous spam and video addons for Community Server, along with a new Task, becoming the first release of my KartonesNet CS2007 Addon Pack.

Currently features:

· KartonesNet.Modules.SpamAddon: This is a new Spam Blocker rule that checks for a minimum post length. If post is smaller than the threshold/length, assigns a base score plus 1 per character missing.
· KartonesNet.Modules.VideosAddon: This is a module to allow embedded videos from Soapbox, Youtube and Googlevideo in blogs, forums and comments.
· KartonesNet.Tasks.ClearLogsJob: This is a Task/Job that will clear all Exceptions if clearExceptions="true" and will delete all EventLog entries older than expirationDays value.

I will add more stuff as soon as I have time.

You can download the pack from the Downloads Section.

Comments and suggestions will be appreciated ;)

Tags: Development Kartones.Net

Community Server 2007: KartonesNet CS2007 Addon Pack 1.0 article, written by Kartones. Published on