Title: WRONG! Retro Games, You Messed Up Our Comic Book Heroes!
Author(s): Chris Baker (Author), Matthew Waite (Illustrator)
I picked up this small ~150 pages ebook because most compilation of videogames are "best of": Best Nintendo games, best first-person shooters ever, best strategy games from the 90s... But a book about games that got superheroes wrong? Not only I'm in, I'll probably know one or two!
And indeed I was right: From a purple NES Batman, to a can't fly Superman or un-recognizable super-villains, the book nails it with the (few) titles that I knew, plus a lot more. Written in a humorous tone, stating one or two facts of a game, then explaining why it's incorrect, and filling it with additional details (or a few times, mentioning why despite the flaws the game is fine), I liked the structure, the content (a must to read in a color device like a tablet to appreciate the pictures) and the videogames chosen.
My only complaint is that you will finish the book so quickly you'll want more. A fun recommended read.
Tags: Books Reviews Videogames