Book Review: Getting Real

I've just written a new book review, this time about Getting Real, a small book by the company 37 Signals.

Quite interesting collection of essays and tips, very quick to read and freely available for online reading.


Getting Real

Title: Getting Real
Author: 37 Signals

Getting real is a collection of eassays and tips to better build software (focused on web applications, but easily applicable to general software development). The essays vary in topics, being arranged in 16 chapters grouping similar topics like product ideas, how to manage a team, how to focus on important requirements, skills, communication, support, update policies...Almost all the lifecycle of software.

Usually gives nice insights and good practices about how to handle bot ideal situations and problems that can arise. I like the good attitude of the book and the "don't get lost in unneeded details" approach. Constantly tries to make you focus on the relevant points first, then secondary ones.

Many of the essays contain quotes or paragraphs from case studies, similar companies, successful startups, etcetera.

My only concern/critic of the book is that sometimes is way too optimistic and radical. While for some companies will be ok, for others (specially med to large ones) a few ideas just don't apply (like using the same tech staff to do user support). But as I said are the minor ones, and as with every book it is up to you to decide what to apply or not to your life/company.

Small book, easy read, good advices and practices, free in online format... Why not giving it a try?

Tags: Books Patterns & Practices Productivity Reviews

Book Review: Getting Real article, written by Kartones. Published on