Articles tagged with: Testing

Book Review: Python testing with Pytest

Summary: Review of the book 'Python testing with Pytest' by Brian Okken.

Courses Review:

Summary: An initial review of, a platform for web development courses.

Javascript Named Exports for testing

Summary: Discusses a testing pattern using JavaScript named exports to test unexposed code fragments.

Don't avoid test randomness, embrace and control it

Summary: The blog post discusses the importance of embracing and controlling test randomness. The author argues against using fixed seed values in tests and suggests generating a random seed and printing it to reproduce failures. They highlight the benefits of using varied test data and the potential drawbacks of static test data. The post emphasizes the value of adding randomness to tests to uncover hidden bugs and achieve anti-fragility.

On Learning React

Summary: My search for resources to learn React, a few recommended blogs and podcasts.