Articles tagged with: Ruby

OpenSSL certificate verify failed on Ruby & Windows

Summary: A solution to the OpenSSL certificate verification failure on Ruby and Windows.

Non-trivial Rails 3.x routing

Summary: Challenges and solutions encountered while changing URL formats in Ruby on Rails.

Don't load if you can stream

Summary: The importance of efficient data handling in computer applications, specifically not fully loading large datasets into memory.

If you can't win, fail fast

Summary: The importance of setting hard limits in software development to prevent system crashes due to overloading.

TDD and Testing

Summary: Discusses various articles related to Test Driven Development and testing, including an article about unit testing in Ruby, an explanation of mock objects in Java, an article about the pros and cons of white and black box testing, and an article about TDD Anti-Patterns. The post also mentions the release of NUnit 2.2.9.