Articles tagged with: Resources

Some Code Generation papers

Summary: Code generation is advancing with the help of machine learning and large language models. Several papers and projects in this field are discussed in this post.

An interesting Evolutionary Design talk

Summary: Some concepts extracted from a talk about Evolutionary Design, covering concepts such as Simple Design, Continuous Design, and Reflective Design.

CURL, Git, and more cheatsheets

Summary: Moved some GitHub gists to the blog, including cheatsheets for CURL, Git, and Image & Video CLI.

BazelCon 2022 Community Day Bootcamp

Summary: The BazelCon 2022 Community Day Bootcamp had workshops on basic Bazel concepts and writing rules. The instructions for the first workshop were incomplete, so here is a fork, with cleaned repository and improved slides for better clarity.

My Favourite command line tools

Summary: A list of my favourite command line tools and my approach to integrating them for quicker and easier actions.