Articles tagged with: Python

Customizing Pelican archives page

Summary: How to customize the archives page of a blog using the Pelican platform, specifically grouping posts by year using Jinja template system.

Pet project: Shopping Lists published

Summary: A pet project, 'Shopping Lists', a simple Flask app and Python file I/O, which has been migrated from C#/ASP.NET to Python + Flask.

Migrating from BlogEngine.NET to Pelican

Summary: The process of migrating from BlogEngine.NET to Pelican due to a desire for a simpler, static site generator.

Code and style checks for Python at Sublime Text

Summary: Outlines the packages used for code and style checks for Python in Sublime Text, including SublimeLinter 3, PEP8, MyPy, Flake8, and Flake8Lint. Also explains how custom rules can be added under the pep8 section.

Small example with Python

Summary: Built a small Python tool to check if URLs have changed.