Articles tagged with: Mobile Dev

Announcing the beta version of !

Today, with the rain and the religious stuff all over Madrid, was a perfect day for staying at home warm and code some stuff... Initially I was going to do only a proof of concept, but I've ended finishing something interesting... The mobile version of Kartones.Net,!

It is in beta because some things need polishing: For example, the pages themselves are perfectly XHTML 1.0 strict valid, but the actual posts usually aren't. The site is almost unstyled (I don't plan adding too much things, but at least some menu options and footer differentiation would be nice), there are only two sections, only the latest 5 posts of each blog can be readed...

But the site source code is small and fast, and the output HTML is pretty small (2-3KB for normal pages, between 20-60KB for a full 5-post blog render), so my goal is achieved, and now it's an improvement task.

One note, though: This is not a mobile Community Server component/module/conversion. It is a custom-made small ASP.NET 3.5 web application, so don't get confused, it fetches data from CS blogs but that's all.

Here are some screenshots made with the PocketPC Emulator (which doesn't renders all the images, so I'll update with a real device ones tomorrow). As I said, it is very very simple and right now limited, but I will make some improvements soon ;) Screenshot
The home, just an intro and an advise (I'm not planning to do a WML version, sorry). Screenshot
The Latest Posts section, useful for checking if there are new contents on the community. You can click on one post to read it, of course ;) Screenshot
A list of all the blogs. Screenshot
And a sample blog rendering. Image sizes are original ones so depending on your device you will see them pixelated or decently :)

Hope you like it, any feedback will be much appreciated!

Lego Mindstorms NXT: NXT Remote for PocketPC

Today I've been searching for more missing software to install into my new PDA-phone, and one that I didn't tested on my old PDA was NXT Remote/Pocket Remote, a small tool that allows remote control of Lego Mindstorms NXT robots via Bluetooth :)

Setting up the connection is quite easy (there are step-by-step instructions on the application's website), and it works really nice!

Here is how the application looks:

Now I can chase my dog with my robotic creations }:)

Note: The tool I used for the screenshot is Pocket Controller Professional. it is a "remote desktop"/VNC for PocketPC, with skins and some handy tools like a Registry Editor, a Task Manager or a remote MS-DOS Console. Quite handy too if you're debugging your Compact Framework applications from VS2005 directly on the device.

.NET Compact Framework: GMail Contacts Importer

Yesterday I finished toying with PocketOutlook and GMail CSV export option. Now I've got (at last) my GMail contacts clean and tidy, and imported into my phone.

I did a small application that reads a CSV file (you must export your contact list in 'GMail CSV' format) and imports it using the PocketOutlook .NET object model. I can only say it's great, I spent more time mapping GMail fields into Outlook fields that coding business logic (and the whole coding didn't took me more than a few hours).

This is how the app looks:

As for the source code, it is for Windows Mobile 6, and uses the fantastic FileHelpers Library (thanks for showing it to me, Jesus). The main PPC app just instantiates my GMail2PocketOutlookLib which does all the heavy stuff.

To access Outlook just reference Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook and write code like this:

OutlookSession outlookSession = new OutlookSession();

ContactCollection existingContacts = outlookSession.Contacts.Items

Contact newContact = new Contact()

newContact.FirstName = newContacts[index].Name
newContact.FileAs = newContacts[index].Name
newContact.Email1Address = newContacts[index].Email

// ...


With FileHelpers I did all the CSV reading in no time, and as you can see the import process can't be easier.

You can download the full source code and binaries in the Downloads section.

Next is doing a bit of I+D about Google Calendar API and coding a small sync tool. I don't like the fact that either you sync with outlook or you can't sync anything except files (and I use Google Calendar instead of Outlook).

Note: Code contains one unused Property, some comments missing, and the import process may mess up because of some issues with GMail CSV contents (there's a txt file explaining all). Initially I don't plan to update it, but if you fix or improve something, you're welcome!

.NET VNC Viewer for PocketPC

Do you want to remote-control your PC or laptop from your PocketPC? With .NET VNC Viewer you can.

It's compatible with all common VNC clients, sources are available, and on PocketPC supports both portrait and landscape screen orientations.