Articles tagged with: Game Dev

Double Dispatch in JADE 2.0

Summary: The content discusses the use of Double Dispatch in JADE 2.0.

XNA Particle System sources uploaded

Summary: XNA Particle System talk code sources available.

5 Things we can learn as developers from videogames

Summary: Developers can learn from PC videogames in areas such as efficient updates, secure software, good resource management, correct localization, and usability. Games use encrypted communications, thin-client logic, and anti-keyloggers to ensure security. Good games are easy to play and have ingame tutorials.

Developing an XNA Particle System

Summary: A presentation on developing an XNA particle system, showcasing GameComponents, custom content pipeline elements, and the fun of testing and tweaking particles. Source code and slides available.

Doing some PR about Jade

Summary: An update on the latest developments with Jade Engine, including upcoming 1.2 release features and improvements in the 1.1 release.