Articles tagged with: Bazel

Course Review: Bazel Fundamentals (Pluralsight)

Summary: Review of the course 'Bazel Fundamentals', from Pluralsight.

Gazelle: Workspace traversal and main extension handlers

Summary: How Bazel Gazelle extensions perform workspace traversal, and which are the interface entry points for extension developers

A Gazelle extension featuring LifecycleManager

Summary: A brief mention of relevant Bazel's Gazelle source code test and logic to manage the lifecycle inside extensions.

Debugging Typescript errors in Bazel

Summary: An explanation of how to better debug Typescript errors when using Bazel as the build system.

Reproducible Builds

Summary: Compiling code does not always generate the exact same output, leading to issues with security and build caching. Different tools and languages have different levels of determinism.