macOS Symbols
: Shift⌃
: Control⌥
: Option⌘
: Command
OS Shortcuts
- ⌘ + space: Spotlight (search)
- ⌃ + ⌘ + Q: Lock screen/computer
- ⌃ + ⌘ + V: Paste text without formatting
- ⇧ + ⌘ + 3: Screenshot (saved in desktop)
- ⇧ + ⌘ + 4: Screenshot draw region (saved in desktop)
+ Up/Down: Text scroll page up/downFn
+ Del: Text forward delete- ^ + ⌘ + Space: Insert emoji
- ⌃ + ⌘ + F: Toggle full-screen
- ⌥ + Left/Right: Go to next/previous word
- ⌘ + Left/Right: Go to start/end of current line
- ⌘ + Tab: Cycle through open apps
- ⌘ + ` (backtick): Cycle through windows of the same app (when 2+ are open/running)
- ⌃ + Tab: Cycle through open tabs (Chrome, VSCode, etc.)
- ⌘ + Del: Delete a file
- ⌘ when dragging a file: Move the file (instead of copying it)
- ⌘ when dragging menu bar items: Reorder the icons (note that some might change order again in the future)
- ⇧ + space: Next input source (default is too cumbersome)
- space: when having one or more files selected at Finder: Preview the file(s)
App Shortcuts
Firefox & Chrome
- ⌘ + R: Reload tab
- ⌘ + W: Close tab
- ⌘ + T: Open new tab
Google Meet
- ⌘ + D: mute/un-mute microphone
My shortcuts:
- ⌃ + ⌥ + Left: Move to left half
- ⌃ + ⌥ + Right: Move to right half
- ⌃ + ⌥ + ⌘ + Left: Move to previous display
- ⌃ + ⌥ + ⌘ + Right: Move to next display
- ⌃ + ⌥ + Enter: Maximize
- ⌥ + ⌘ + -: Make window smaller
- ⌥ + ⌘ + =: Make window bigger
- ⌃ + Tab: cycle tabs
- ⌘ +
: switch to tabnum
- ⌃ + R: reverse search
- Fix no colors:
echo "syntax on" >> ~/.vimrc
from a terminal
- ⌘ + F: Find text in open file
- ⇧ + ⌘ + F: Find text in all project files
- ⌘ + P: Find file
- ⌃ + -: Go back
- ⌃ + G: Go to (often, go to a specific line number)
- ^ + Tab: Cycle through tabs (open files)
- ⌥ + ⌘ + T (customized shortcut): Enable/Disable Copilot Completions
Fixes and Tweaks:
- How to launch vscode from the command line in macos.
- How to compress a folder into a password-protected zip: Go to terminal and
zip -er <filename>.zip <folder>
. - How to specify a different language than your macOS locale:
export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
- brew/Homebrew: The package manager for macOS.
- 7Zip:
brew install sevenzip
from terminal. - Disk Space Analyzer: There's more than capable free version.
- Flushing DNS cache:
sudo dscacheutil -flushcache; sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
. - Funter: Tool to show/hide hidden files in Finder. As an alternative, you can enable displaying hidden files system-wide from a terminal via
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -boolean true; killall Finder;
. - Git:
brew install git
- I disable the zsh globbing pattern matching because can collide with command lines that include
. Otherwise, you can run commands prefixed withnoglob
(source) to explicitly disable the pattern matching just there. - iTerm2: A better terminal, fast and very customizable.
- I recommend to change the preset at
to theNatural Text Editing
- I recommend to change the preset at
- KeePassXC: My preferred password manager.
- jq: The command-line JSON parser.
- NodeJS:
# install (specific LTS version)
brew install node@22
npm install -g npm
# updates
brew upgrade node@22
npm install -g npm
- noTunes: Because who would ever want to disable Apple Music, you can't do it easily. This open-source tool allows you not only that, but also to set any other application as the default app for music.
- Pinta: FOSS image editing software.
- Python: Using
, you can install multiple Python versions, e.g.brew install python@3.11
. - Stats: Menu bar systems monitor.
- The Unarchiver: To open most compressed file formats.
- tree: Add a
command via a simple zsh alias:alias tree="find . -print | sed -e 's;[^/]*/;|____;g;s;____|; |;g'"
. - VMware Workstation Pro: It is now free for personal usage. Windows 11 runs quite well on it, but guest OS are limited to ARM versions.
- XCode CodeThemes: Themes for the IDE. To install them, copy the file(s) to
(create the folder if does not exist).
Handy Special Characters
- ⌥ + n, then n (
input source): ñ - ⌥ + n, then ⇧ + n (
input source): Ñ - ~ £ €
- ⇾ ← → ⇽ ✅ ❌
No longer used Tools
- caffeinate: Prevent system from sleeping, optionally waiting for a pid to finish.
- CrystalFetch ISO Downloader: Free tool to download Windows 10/11 installer ISO images. You need to provide your valid Windows license key.
- DeskPad: Virtual monitor for screen sharing.
- MemoryCleaner: Quicker than using the Activity Monitor.
- P4Merge (Helix Visual Merge Tool): One of the few free visual diff and merge tools for macOS I've found.
- Picard: A nice audio files tagger, including support for tagging scripts.
- Rectangle: Allows decent moving and resizing of windows. Highly customizable.
- Tomito: Pomodoro timer. Free and without ads.
- UTM: QEMU-based Virtual machine runner. Allows x86 and x64 VMs on ARM hosts, but beware, those are emulared and thus very slow.