Articles tagged with: Tools

Note-Taking and Knowledge Base

Summary: A journey about finding the right note-taking and knowledge base solutions.

Running Gazelle on Gazelle

Summary: How to use Gazelle, a tool for automating Bazel BUILD file management, to build extensions for Go projects. It highlights the benefits of using Gazelle and showcases a small example.

CURL, Git, and more cheatsheets

Summary: Moved some GitHub gists to the blog, including cheatsheets for CURL, Git, and Image & Video CLI.

Gazelle (Bazel): Loading other BUILD files

Summary: How to load and use rules from a specific BUILD file in Bazel using Gazelle. It provides a solution to read and parse the file, and store the relevant information in the configuration for use in the GenerateRules call.

Emulation, Virtualization & Compatibility Layers

Summary: Concepts of emulation, virtualization, and compatibility layers.